Lesson 11: Rewrite your story (report cyber-bullying) 2 (20 minutes)
You can’t undo the past, and you can’t change the actions or words of other people, but you can Rewrite Your Story. In this lesson we look at two stories from Cal and Connor and discuss the consequences of the choices that they have made.
Teacher Notes: Lesson Preparation: Watch the videos prior to the lesson.
11.1: Watch the "Cals story" video (1.58 minutes) and use the class discussion questions to discuss the themes from the video.
11.2:Watch the "Connors story" video (1.31 minutes) and use the class discussion questions to discuss the themes from the video.
11.3: Allocate Cal or Connors personal stories to student groups as case studies. Students rewrite their chosen characters story to make their situation better (A3 sheets and pens recommended for each group)
11.1: Cal's story
Bully or bullied, it's a fine line, but does one ever justify the other? Nobody wins the 'she bullied me so I bullied back' argument and others you love can be caught in the crossfire. Everyone has the right to stand up for themselves if they're being cyberbullied, but there is a right and wrong way to do that. How can you protect yourself and your friends without being attacked yourself?
Watch the video with your class and participate in the class discussion.
Class discussion questions
What type of cyberbullying behaviour do you think Jac and Nicola have experienced?
If cyberbullies get bullied back, do you think they are just getting what they deserve?
Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it’ and all that?
Cal feels stuck in the middle being Jac’s sister
What do you think she should do?
What are the avenues of help that each of the characters could use?
How did the adults respond when they found out what had been going on?
Do you think they could have done things differently?
11.2: Connor's Story
It was just a joke. I even like Kyle. It doesn't hurt for a kid to be toughened up once in a while. It even happened to me. It's easy to pick on that kid, right? You know the one...he kisses his mum goodbye outside the school...he's begging to be picked on. Connor thought that the pic he created was hilarious. And after all, he only shared it with a few of his mates. His story is one of the bullied turned bully, and how his actions hurt both Kyle and himself.
Watch the video with your class and participate in the class discussion.
Class discussion questions
What do you think cyberbullying actually is? If someone does one hurtful thing, but then everyone else just keeps the hate going, are they really a cyberbully?
What type of cyberbullying behaviour does the class think Kyle and Connor experienced?
It’s more than just ‘what goes around comes around’, don’t you think?
Connor knows what it’s like to be made fun of online, but it’s all just a joke…right?
Why do you think Connor cyberbullied Kyle even though he’d been cyberbullied himself?
What are the avenues of help that each of the characters could use?
11.3: Online quiz and class discussion
Allocate Cal or Connor’s personal stories to students as case studies.
Rewrite your allocated characters story to make their situation better (A3 sheets and pens recommended for each group)
Complete the activity for your allocated video episode in your groups.