Welcome to Killara High School and the BYOD program. This is the induction training will be delivered at the time you first come to Killara High School. This course is designed to be delivered by our staff or can be done as an online module.
Learning intentions
To ensure your laptop is connected properly to the NSW Det network.
Know how to connect to your essential learning tools.
Understand your responsibilities and the rules of use for using technology at Killara High School
Improve your organisational skills by creating efficient folder structures on your computer
Success criteria
Listen and follow directions to ensure your device is connected properly.
Login into Compass successfully
Read the BYOD & School Technology Agreement carefully and acknowledge you understand your responsibilities for using technology at Killara High School.
Create the suggested folder structure on your computer (found in the Killara Learning Hub Induction lesson)
Look for this symbol (Instructions are in red for students).
Scroll down for all the training
1. Internet at the edge procedures
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2. BYOD Induction training
2.1: BYOD School expectations
This video explains school expectations and the rules regarding technology useage and BYOD devices.
Watch the video.
2.2: How to access Compass
The following video will give you an introduction to accessing Compass.
Watch the introduction video and after this session add a tab on your favourite web browser for Compass.
2.3: Complete the BYOD & School Technology Agreement